

Really more of a changelog than a blog, but calling it a blog makes it sound cooler.

Graduate School, I Guess

If we needed further evidence that I have no idea what I'm doing with my life, I decided to go back to graduate school this year. It's just a two year masters program, and it's fully funded, so I don't have to pay anything, but it means I'm back in Ithaca again. Woo. Frankly I don't know how I ended up in my current pattern of only posting year-…


This is going to be short because I've been very busy sitting on my couch not doing anything all year and I'm not about to change now, but given that Google finally started allowing the purchase of *.ing domain names, I went ahead and registered It turns out is also available right now but I ain't paying $2000 for that. There are no plans to change my main…

Some Miscellaneous Projects

Continuing my proud tradition of completely forgetting to write about anything I've done on here until the end of the year, here we are once again at the end of 2022. Looking back, I'm actually impressed by how I actually did do a few things this year (I understand these are low standards). It's just that none of them actually made it onto this site yet, so I guess I'll just…

A Game About Werewolves

It's been a shockingly long while since I've made a new game for this site. The most recent was Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe v3 back in 2019, and that was an update of a game first posted freshman year of high school. The last original game was my disastrous attempt to create Mahjong, from 2018. Given how the very first things ever posted on this site were small (and unoriginal) game projects, I…

So That's Still Happening

A year ago I wrote about the terrible year that was about to conclude. For a bit there in February / March of this year I really did think we were over the hump and the pandemic was going to get better. Yet here we are. -_- It's been a pretty eventful year for me personally, having finished school and now starting work. The only real change that happened on my website is the new…