
Pre-2016, Archived - The current version of this page is available here.

The Story Behind The Site

Back in the summer between 4th and 5th grade, I was bored. As in, extremely bored. As in, I was ready to spend a few hours building a website with this program, "Dreamweaver", that I found on the internet, bored. So, doing what any other supposedly "tech-savvy" bored, 4th Grader would do: I made a website. You can find that site here. It was terrible.

That being said, I left it alone for a few years until I took Programming For Video Games at Duke TIP in the summer of 2013. There, programming using HTML 5 and Javascript, I remembered my old website and decided: Why Not? Let's rebuild it completely from scratch.

Of course, the problem with building from scratch is that I'm no graphic designer, and I don't make things look very pretty. Not that the old site looked nice in any way, but at least it didn't look like some teenager threw it together in his spare time...

What's This Site For?

Much like my original site, this will primarily serve as a place for me to put any "stuff" that needs to be put on the internet onto the internet. I might put some games or something like that onto here if I ever get around to doing that. This may be a legitimate website that I get around to maintaining... or it could just crash and burn, like my last one. We'll see.


All of these are free services (Except Possibly My Friend Brian)! ☺

Pre-2016, Archived - The current version of this page is available here.